The ABCs to Build a Kit


The ABCs to Build a Kit

Water. Heat. Flavor. Magnificence.

A. is for Agua

Water in a can.  (advantage – better recycling)

If your source water sucks use this with some distilled water:


A. is also for Aeropress 

B. for Beans.

Your choice. Local roasters are best! Find your favorite.

C. for Cup.

D. for Decanter

E. for Everything Else.

Flavorful accents such as oil, cinnamon, and butter.

F. for Filter.

This filter doesn’t require other parts so I’ve listed it as a unique item.

Solo filter 

G. for Grinder.  <This one fits nicely inside an Aeropress 

But this one grinder fits inside an Aeropress  pretty well and is shorter.

H. is for Heat.


Fuel can

Hot water pot  This is the #1 cook pot to have because a standard fuel can fits inside.

I. is for Instant heat or in 12V auto plug

J.  is for Jamaican reggae music.
K. is for Kettle

L. is for Love. 
M. is for Magnificence!

That’s it.  A to M for some Magnificence.
